Dear Boys and Girls,
Good Morning! Welcome
to our second day of using blizzard bags. E-mail us if you have questions. Enjoy the snow!
1. Pattern page..counting by 2's,3's,4's,5's,10's
2. Work for 20 minutes on IXL .
Choose a skill from subtraction. If you are not connected to the
internet or if you have lost power, you may work on the two worksheets
that are in your folder.
Literacy Directions
1) Read the poem "Snowman" aloud at least 3 times. Get the feeling of how the poem should sound in your head focusing on the rhythm and the rhyme. Once you feel comfortable reading it aloud, read it to another person at your house. (If your reading is not smooth and pleasant to hear, you must go back and practice by yourself again.) Be prepared to read it again once we return to school. *For fun, try reading it with an accent (like a cowboy, an opera singer, a pirate, etc.)
2) Make an illustration (picture) to match your visual images of this poem.
Reading Comprehension
Read the passage, "Ready for Cold Weather" and answer the questions.
Social Studies
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Belief in nonviolence
Watch the video on the link below or read the Martin Luther King, Jr. booklet and complete the response sheet.
Click on the link below for the directions for completing the video response:
*Return all the work to your teacher tomorrow. Please make sure to have your parent initial the checklist next to all your completed assignments.